What quality of work do you offer?

The elite team of ‘UK Dissertation Writers’ comprises of only native English-speaking UK-university lecturers, senior lecturers and professors who provide top-quality academic research support to PhD students and other researchers from the UK, the USA, Australia and many other countries within the agreed deadline. Most of our lecturers, all of our senior lecturers and all of our professors already hold a PhD degree in their areas of specialisation. Hence, they understand the quality required at the PhD level and all academic drafts worked on by them are always of impeccable quality. So, consider yourself in safe hands when you are assigning your work to us.

What services do you offer?

We offer a complete service package for PhD students and other researchers. Please find below a list of our services for your information:

a. PhD Admission Support – CV, Academic Essays, Personal Statement or Statement of Purpose
b. PhD Thesis Writing – We help PhD students with writing up various chapters of their PhD thesis or dissertation. This could range from ‘Abstract’ to ‘Introduction’ to ‘Literature Review’ to ‘Methodology’ to ‘Data Analysis’ to ‘Results’ to ‘Discussion’ to ‘Conclusion’
c. PhD Thesis Editing – Our editing services for PhD thesis or dissertation range from ‘Copy editing’ to ‘Line editing’ to ‘Heavy/Developmental editing’
d. PhD Thesis Proofreading – As part of this service, any mistake related to grammar, spelling, word-use, repetition and tone inside the final draft for your PhD thesis or dissertation is taken care of
e. PhD Data Analysis – We engage in both qualitative and quantitative data analysis using a number of software packages, including but not limited to SPSS, R, Stata, NViVo
f. PhD Research Publication – Research, editing and proofreading assistance for publication of research papers in a number of journals
g. Support for Master-level researchers – While our esteemed writers are mainly dedicated to serving PhD researchers, we also help Master-level researchers with their academic needs pertaining to Statement of Purpose, Writing Sample, Personal Statement, Academic Essays, Curriculum Vitae, Coursework, Case-study, Report Writing, Exam notes, Presentation, Dissertation and Data Analysis

How do a place an order?

Firstly, we request you to send us your enquiry via the contact form on our website or email. Within 24 business hours, one of our customer service specialists gets back to you with an introductory email wherein we ask for more information to determine the actual volume of work that you wish to assign. As you respond to our email with all the requested details, we analyse the information and come up with a price quotation and a deadline (with a waiting period).

Since we only work with university lecturers, senior lecturers and professors, our availability for any piece of academic work is very limited or scarce. Owing to the same reason, we can only work for a limited number of clients at any given point in time. In case all of our esteemed writers are booked, we do not accept any new order unless the client agrees to wait for a certain period of time before his/her work can be handled by a native English-speaking expert.

Once the client has agreed to the scope of work, price quotation and deadline (with the waiting period, if applicable at that time), we instruct our finance team to proceed with issuing PayPal invoice. Once the client has made the required payment toward our PayPal invoice using his debit card, credit card, bank account or PayPal account, his or her research project is then assigned to a lecturer, a senior lecturer or a professor (depending on the client’s choice).

In the end, the completed draft is delivered to the client on or before the agreed deadline.

What is your amendment policy for any PhD thesis or dissertation or research paper?

As a PhD student or researcher, you must be aware that one has to write a chapter of one’s PhD thesis or dissertation first, then submit the same to one’s supervisor/s for feedback and eventually amend the draft in line with supervisors’ comments/feedback in a meticulous manner before moving on to the next chapter or part of one’s research paper.


This process of writing a draft, seeking feedback on the same and revising the PhD draft per the feedback goes on until you have graduated.

It is worth noting that no matter how well you have drafted any chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation, your supervisor would ask you to revise it in line with his feedback before the chapter is approved. Additionally, revision in relation to a specific chapter can be requested for several times (not just once) by a supervisor before you are allowed to move on to the next one.

Several requests for revision of a chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation do not mean that the specific chapter was not drafted or revised appropriately the first time. Rather, it could mean that the draft fell short of the unsaid expectations of your supervisor. Let us say, for example, that your supervisor requested for your literature review draft to be more critical. As a result, you go digging into more references around your research question/s with a view to developing arguments that reflect your critical thinking ability. Once you submit the revised draft to your supervisor for approval, you get to hear from the supervisor that your draft is more critical than before. However, the draft does not contain a specific reference (e.g a book or a journal article) which, according to him or her, is something that must be discussed in your literature review. Had the supervisor told you about this expectation clearly in the first instance, it would have saved you the need for second revision.

So, you must understand that you cannot write a draft that is approved by your supervisor in the very first instance and that amendments are part and partial of your journey as a PhD student or researcher.

Even though various chapters of your PhD thesis or dissertation are drafted or edited by our native English-speaking team of UK-university faculty members (i.e. senior lecturers and professors), the drafts are often returned to us with a request for revision. It is not because we did something wrong. Rather, it is because the supervisor/s wanted something specific that was not shared with us at the time of booking the order. While we do provide small amendments for free, any major amendment request is often charged for.

When it comes to dealing with amendment requests, we follow a fair and simple rule, i.e. small amendments are always free, but loss shall be borne by the person who makes mistakes. If the mistake is ours, we’ll provide free amendments, but a student will have to pay for amendments resulting from his/her mistakes”. Please feel free to check out our amendment rules in detail.

Since we only work with university lecturers, senior lecturers and professors, our availability for any piece of academic work is very limited or scarce. Owing to the same reason, we can only work for a limited number of clients at any given point in time. In case all of our esteemed writers are booked, we do not accept any new order unless the client agrees to wait for a certain period of time before his/her work can be handled by a native English-speaking expert.

Once the client has agreed to the scope of work, price quotation and deadline (with the waiting period, if applicable at that time), we instruct our finance team to proceed with issuing PayPal invoice. Once the client has made the required payment toward our PayPal invoice using his debit card, credit card, bank account or PayPal account, his or her research project is then assigned to a lecturer, a senior lecturer or a professor (depending on the client’s choice).

In the end, the completed draft is delivered to the client on or before the agreed deadline.

Will the final draft (written by a chosen faculty member) be free from plagiarism?

When your research projects are worked on by native English-speaking UK-university senior lecturers and professors, the outcome has to be plagiarism-free. Since we started doing business back in 2013, not a single issue related to plagiarism has been reported by any client of ours as yet. Additionally, our quality assurance team carries out plagiarism checks from time-to-time by randomly picking up research drafts and putting those through PlagScan. Hence, never is plagiarism going to be an issue when you are dealing with ‘UK Dissertation Writers’.


This process of writing a draft, seeking feedback on the same and revising the PhD draft per the feedback goes on until you have graduated.

It is worth noting that no matter how well you have drafted any chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation, your supervisor would ask you to revise it in line with his feedback before the chapter is approved. Additionally, revision in relation to a specific chapter can be requested for several times (not just once) by a supervisor before you are allowed to move on to the next one.

Several requests for revision of a chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation do not mean that the specific chapter was not drafted or revised appropriately the first time. Rather, it could mean that the draft fell short of the unsaid expectations of your supervisor. Let us say, for example, that your supervisor requested for your literature review draft to be more critical. As a result, you go digging into more references around your research question/s with a view to developing arguments that reflect your critical thinking ability. Once you submit the revised draft to your supervisor for approval, you get to hear from the supervisor that your draft is more critical than before. However, the draft does not contain a specific reference (e.g a book or a journal article) which, according to him or her, is something that must be discussed in your literature review. Had the supervisor told you about this expectation clearly in the first instance, it would have saved you the need for second revision.

So, you must understand that you cannot write a draft that is approved by your supervisor in the very first instance and that amendments are part and partial of your journey as a PhD student or researcher.

Even though various chapters of your PhD thesis or dissertation are drafted or edited by our native English-speaking team of UK-university faculty members (i.e. senior lecturers and professors), the drafts are often returned to us with a request for revision. It is not because we did something wrong. Rather, it is because the supervisor/s wanted something specific that was not shared with us at the time of booking the order. While we do provide small amendments for free, any major amendment request is often charged for.

When it comes to dealing with amendment requests, we follow a fair and simple rule, i.e. small amendments are always free, but loss shall be borne by the person who makes mistakes. If the mistake is ours, we’ll provide free amendments, but a student will have to pay for amendments resulting from his/her mistakes”. Please feel free to check out our amendment rules in detail.

Since we only work with university lecturers, senior lecturers and professors, our availability for any piece of academic work is very limited or scarce. Owing to the same reason, we can only work for a limited number of clients at any given point in time. In case all of our esteemed writers are booked, we do not accept any new order unless the client agrees to wait for a certain period of time before his/her work can be handled by a native English-speaking expert.

Once the client has agreed to the scope of work, price quotation and deadline (with the waiting period, if applicable at that time), we instruct our finance team to proceed with issuing PayPal invoice. Once the client has made the required payment toward our PayPal invoice using his debit card, credit card, bank account or PayPal account, his or her research project is then assigned to a lecturer, a senior lecturer or a professor (depending on the client’s choice).

In the end, the completed draft is delivered to the client on or before the agreed deadline.

Is your service private and confidential?

We, at UK Dissertation Writers, take privacy and confidentiality of client information very seriously. Therefore, never do we disclose any information or detail of your order to any third party. However, we do not assume the responsibility for the content of any attachments and any personal information they may contain. Before you share any file with us, please make sure to remove all personal details from the same.

Additionally, we do not establish any contact over the phone with students as this step ensures that their identities are hidden all the time. Instead of telephonic conversations, we strictly stick to email communications, so as to keep our clients safe from unwanted troubles and provide them with the best experience possible.


This process of writing a draft, seeking feedback on the same and revising the PhD draft per the feedback goes on until you have graduated.

It is worth noting that no matter how well you have drafted any chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation, your supervisor would ask you to revise it in line with his feedback before the chapter is approved. Additionally, revision in relation to a specific chapter can be requested for several times (not just once) by a supervisor before you are allowed to move on to the next one.

Several requests for revision of a chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation do not mean that the specific chapter was not drafted or revised appropriately the first time. Rather, it could mean that the draft fell short of the unsaid expectations of your supervisor. Let us say, for example, that your supervisor requested for your literature review draft to be more critical. As a result, you go digging into more references around your research question/s with a view to developing arguments that reflect your critical thinking ability. Once you submit the revised draft to your supervisor for approval, you get to hear from the supervisor that your draft is more critical than before. However, the draft does not contain a specific reference (e.g a book or a journal article) which, according to him or her, is something that must be discussed in your literature review. Had the supervisor told you about this expectation clearly in the first instance, it would have saved you the need for second revision.

So, you must understand that you cannot write a draft that is approved by your supervisor in the very first instance and that amendments are part and partial of your journey as a PhD student or researcher.

Even though various chapters of your PhD thesis or dissertation are drafted or edited by our native English-speaking team of UK-university faculty members (i.e. senior lecturers and professors), the drafts are often returned to us with a request for revision. It is not because we did something wrong. Rather, it is because the supervisor/s wanted something specific that was not shared with us at the time of booking the order. While we do provide small amendments for free, any major amendment request is often charged for.

When it comes to dealing with amendment requests, we follow a fair and simple rule, i.e. small amendments are always free, but loss shall be borne by the person who makes mistakes. If the mistake is ours, we’ll provide free amendments, but a student will have to pay for amendments resulting from his/her mistakes”. Please feel free to check out our amendment rules in detail.

Since we only work with university lecturers, senior lecturers and professors, our availability for any piece of academic work is very limited or scarce. Owing to the same reason, we can only work for a limited number of clients at any given point in time. In case all of our esteemed writers are booked, we do not accept any new order unless the client agrees to wait for a certain period of time before his/her work can be handled by a native English-speaking expert.

Once the client has agreed to the scope of work, price quotation and deadline (with the waiting period, if applicable at that time), we instruct our finance team to proceed with issuing PayPal invoice. Once the client has made the required payment toward our PayPal invoice using his debit card, credit card, bank account or PayPal account, his or her research project is then assigned to a lecturer, a senior lecturer or a professor (depending on the client’s choice).

In the end, the completed draft is delivered to the client on or before the agreed deadline.

What makes you different from other academic service providers?

What makes us unique and gives us an edge over the competition is the fact that we only work with native English-speaking UK-university faculty members (i.e. lecturers, senior lecturers and professors). This distinguished advantage of ours always translates into plagiarism-free academic drafts that are produced in perfect English language and that meet all of our clients’ instructions meticulously.

Additionally, we understand how important a deadline is in the life of a student. Hence, we always deliver our work on or before the mutually-agreed deadlines.

Lastly, unlike many of our competitors that draw their references from Wikipedia or any other unauthentic/non-reliable source of information, our elite team of writers always pulls recent and authentic references from a wide range of well-known academic databases, including but not limited to Business Source Premier, Emerald, IBIS World, Nexis UK and Web of Knowledge.

Additionally, we do not establish any contact over the phone with students as this step ensures that their identities are hidden all the time. Instead of telephonic conversations, we strictly stick to email communications, so as to keep our clients safe from unwanted troubles and provide them with the best experience possible.


This process of writing a draft, seeking feedback on the same and revising the PhD draft per the feedback goes on until you have graduated.

It is worth noting that no matter how well you have drafted any chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation, your supervisor would ask you to revise it in line with his feedback before the chapter is approved. Additionally, revision in relation to a specific chapter can be requested for several times (not just once) by a supervisor before you are allowed to move on to the next one.

Several requests for revision of a chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation do not mean that the specific chapter was not drafted or revised appropriately the first time. Rather, it could mean that the draft fell short of the unsaid expectations of your supervisor. Let us say, for example, that your supervisor requested for your literature review draft to be more critical. As a result, you go digging into more references around your research question/s with a view to developing arguments that reflect your critical thinking ability. Once you submit the revised draft to your supervisor for approval, you get to hear from the supervisor that your draft is more critical than before. However, the draft does not contain a specific reference (e.g a book or a journal article) which, according to him or her, is something that must be discussed in your literature review. Had the supervisor told you about this expectation clearly in the first instance, it would have saved you the need for second revision.

So, you must understand that you cannot write a draft that is approved by your supervisor in the very first instance and that amendments are part and partial of your journey as a PhD student or researcher.

Even though various chapters of your PhD thesis or dissertation are drafted or edited by our native English-speaking team of UK-university faculty members (i.e. senior lecturers and professors), the drafts are often returned to us with a request for revision. It is not because we did something wrong. Rather, it is because the supervisor/s wanted something specific that was not shared with us at the time of booking the order. While we do provide small amendments for free, any major amendment request is often charged for.

When it comes to dealing with amendment requests, we follow a fair and simple rule, i.e. small amendments are always free, but loss shall be borne by the person who makes mistakes. If the mistake is ours, we’ll provide free amendments, but a student will have to pay for amendments resulting from his/her mistakes”. Please feel free to check out our amendment rules in detail.

Since we only work with university lecturers, senior lecturers and professors, our availability for any piece of academic work is very limited or scarce. Owing to the same reason, we can only work for a limited number of clients at any given point in time. In case all of our esteemed writers are booked, we do not accept any new order unless the client agrees to wait for a certain period of time before his/her work can be handled by a native English-speaking expert.

Once the client has agreed to the scope of work, price quotation and deadline (with the waiting period, if applicable at that time), we instruct our finance team to proceed with issuing PayPal invoice. Once the client has made the required payment toward our PayPal invoice using his debit card, credit card, bank account or PayPal account, his or her research project is then assigned to a lecturer, a senior lecturer or a professor (depending on the client’s choice).

In the end, the completed draft is delivered to the client on or before the agreed deadline.

What are your guarantees?

Your academic research papers will be drafted, edited and proofread by none other than native English speakers that, besides working with UK Dissertation Writers, are also employed as faculty members across a number of reputed universities in the UK. Since most of our esteemed writers and editors supervise PhD students at their respective universities, they know exactly what is required when it comes to drafting or editing any research paper to meet high-level PhD standards. Hence, you can expect the quality of our drafts to be simply impeccable.

Your PhD thesis or dissertation or any research paper is always drafted or edited in line with your instructions in a meticulous manner, thereby reducing the need for revision or amendment to a great degree.

We provide small amendments for free.

Once a deadline for delivering an academic draft has been mutually agreed to, we move heaven and earth to honour the same. Hence, you will always have your work delivered on or before the agreed deadline and that you would not miss any of your previously-scheduled meetings with your supervisor due to lack of research insights.

We maintain confidentiality at its best. We never ask for the telephone number or other personal details from students. We don’t give an option for telephonic communication so as to leave no scope for the revelation of any student’s identity. The only mode of communication between the students and UK DISSERTATION WRITERS is ‘EMAIL’ communication. Our adherence to strict privacy and confidentiality policy keeps our clients safe from unnecessary troubles and allows us to be more efficient at handling clients’ queries, requests and concerns.

Additionally, we understand how important a deadline is in the life of a student. Hence, we always deliver our work on or before the mutually-agreed deadlines.

Lastly, unlike many of our competitors that draw their references from Wikipedia or any other unauthentic/non-reliable source of information, our elite team of writers always pulls recent and authentic references from a wide range of well-known academic databases, including but not limited to Business Source Premier, Emerald, IBIS World, Nexis UK and Web of Knowledge.

Additionally, we do not establish any contact over the phone with students as this step ensures that their identities are hidden all the time. Instead of telephonic conversations, we strictly stick to email communications, so as to keep our clients safe from unwanted troubles and provide them with the best experience possible.


This process of writing a draft, seeking feedback on the same and revising the PhD draft per the feedback goes on until you have graduated.

It is worth noting that no matter how well you have drafted any chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation, your supervisor would ask you to revise it in line with his feedback before the chapter is approved. Additionally, revision in relation to a specific chapter can be requested for several times (not just once) by a supervisor before you are allowed to move on to the next one.

Several requests for revision of a chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation do not mean that the specific chapter was not drafted or revised appropriately the first time. Rather, it could mean that the draft fell short of the unsaid expectations of your supervisor. Let us say, for example, that your supervisor requested for your literature review draft to be more critical. As a result, you go digging into more references around your research question/s with a view to developing arguments that reflect your critical thinking ability. Once you submit the revised draft to your supervisor for approval, you get to hear from the supervisor that your draft is more critical than before. However, the draft does not contain a specific reference (e.g a book or a journal article) which, according to him or her, is something that must be discussed in your literature review. Had the supervisor told you about this expectation clearly in the first instance, it would have saved you the need for second revision.

So, you must understand that you cannot write a draft that is approved by your supervisor in the very first instance and that amendments are part and partial of your journey as a PhD student or researcher.

Even though various chapters of your PhD thesis or dissertation are drafted or edited by our native English-speaking team of UK-university faculty members (i.e. senior lecturers and professors), the drafts are often returned to us with a request for revision. It is not because we did something wrong. Rather, it is because the supervisor/s wanted something specific that was not shared with us at the time of booking the order. While we do provide small amendments for free, any major amendment request is often charged for.

When it comes to dealing with amendment requests, we follow a fair and simple rule, i.e. small amendments are always free, but loss shall be borne by the person who makes mistakes. If the mistake is ours, we’ll provide free amendments, but a student will have to pay for amendments resulting from his/her mistakes”. Please feel free to check out our amendment rules in detail.

Since we only work with university lecturers, senior lecturers and professors, our availability for any piece of academic work is very limited or scarce. Owing to the same reason, we can only work for a limited number of clients at any given point in time. In case all of our esteemed writers are booked, we do not accept any new order unless the client agrees to wait for a certain period of time before his/her work can be handled by a native English-speaking expert.

Once the client has agreed to the scope of work, price quotation and deadline (with the waiting period, if applicable at that time), we instruct our finance team to proceed with issuing PayPal invoice. Once the client has made the required payment toward our PayPal invoice using his debit card, credit card, bank account or PayPal account, his or her research project is then assigned to a lecturer, a senior lecturer or a professor (depending on the client’s choice).

In the end, the completed draft is delivered to the client on or before the agreed deadline.

I want a perfect English language in my document. Can you help?

‘UK Dissertation Writers’ employs a team of native English-speaking university faculty members who excel at English. Hence, our team can certainly ensure that English used in any academic draft of yours is grammatically correct and sounds like a native speaker.

Your PhD thesis or dissertation or any research paper is always drafted or edited in line with your instructions in a meticulous manner, thereby reducing the need for revision or amendment to a great degree.

We provide small amendments for free.

Once a deadline for delivering an academic draft has been mutually agreed to, we move heaven and earth to honour the same. Hence, you will always have your work delivered on or before the agreed deadline and that you would not miss any of your previously-scheduled meetings with your supervisor due to lack of research insights.

We maintain confidentiality at its best. We never ask for the telephone number or other personal details from students. We don’t give an option for telephonic communication so as to leave no scope for the revelation of any student’s identity. The only mode of communication between the students and UK DISSERTATION WRITERS is ‘EMAIL’ communication. Our adherence to strict privacy and confidentiality policy keeps our clients safe from unnecessary troubles and allows us to be more efficient at handling clients’ queries, requests and concerns.

Additionally, we understand how important a deadline is in the life of a student. Hence, we always deliver our work on or before the mutually-agreed deadlines.

Lastly, unlike many of our competitors that draw their references from Wikipedia or any other unauthentic/non-reliable source of information, our elite team of writers always pulls recent and authentic references from a wide range of well-known academic databases, including but not limited to Business Source Premier, Emerald, IBIS World, Nexis UK and Web of Knowledge.

Additionally, we do not establish any contact over the phone with students as this step ensures that their identities are hidden all the time. Instead of telephonic conversations, we strictly stick to email communications, so as to keep our clients safe from unwanted troubles and provide them with the best experience possible.


This process of writing a draft, seeking feedback on the same and revising the PhD draft per the feedback goes on until you have graduated.

It is worth noting that no matter how well you have drafted any chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation, your supervisor would ask you to revise it in line with his feedback before the chapter is approved. Additionally, revision in relation to a specific chapter can be requested for several times (not just once) by a supervisor before you are allowed to move on to the next one.

Several requests for revision of a chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation do not mean that the specific chapter was not drafted or revised appropriately the first time. Rather, it could mean that the draft fell short of the unsaid expectations of your supervisor. Let us say, for example, that your supervisor requested for your literature review draft to be more critical. As a result, you go digging into more references around your research question/s with a view to developing arguments that reflect your critical thinking ability. Once you submit the revised draft to your supervisor for approval, you get to hear from the supervisor that your draft is more critical than before. However, the draft does not contain a specific reference (e.g a book or a journal article) which, according to him or her, is something that must be discussed in your literature review. Had the supervisor told you about this expectation clearly in the first instance, it would have saved you the need for second revision.

So, you must understand that you cannot write a draft that is approved by your supervisor in the very first instance and that amendments are part and partial of your journey as a PhD student or researcher.

Even though various chapters of your PhD thesis or dissertation are drafted or edited by our native English-speaking team of UK-university faculty members (i.e. senior lecturers and professors), the drafts are often returned to us with a request for revision. It is not because we did something wrong. Rather, it is because the supervisor/s wanted something specific that was not shared with us at the time of booking the order. While we do provide small amendments for free, any major amendment request is often charged for.

When it comes to dealing with amendment requests, we follow a fair and simple rule, i.e. small amendments are always free, but loss shall be borne by the person who makes mistakes. If the mistake is ours, we’ll provide free amendments, but a student will have to pay for amendments resulting from his/her mistakes”. Please feel free to check out our amendment rules in detail.

Since we only work with university lecturers, senior lecturers and professors, our availability for any piece of academic work is very limited or scarce. Owing to the same reason, we can only work for a limited number of clients at any given point in time. In case all of our esteemed writers are booked, we do not accept any new order unless the client agrees to wait for a certain period of time before his/her work can be handled by a native English-speaking expert.

Once the client has agreed to the scope of work, price quotation and deadline (with the waiting period, if applicable at that time), we instruct our finance team to proceed with issuing PayPal invoice. Once the client has made the required payment toward our PayPal invoice using his debit card, credit card, bank account or PayPal account, his or her research project is then assigned to a lecturer, a senior lecturer or a professor (depending on the client’s choice).

In the end, the completed draft is delivered to the client on or before the agreed deadline.

Will my document be writtten, edited or proofread by a native English speaker?

Yes, our team of academic writers, academic editors and proofreaders only consists of native English-speaking university faculty members who always deliver the best quality academic drafts that meet and exceed native English proficiency level.

Can you work with types of English other than the UK English, e.g. the US English, Australian English or Canadian English?

Yes, our team has grown to become international over a period of time and knows all about colour and colour, analyse and analyze, enrol and enrol, and expressways, motorways and freeways. Just let us know what type of English you would like us to make use of when working on your research project and we will follow it.

My country of residence is outside the UK. Are you still able to help me with my academic research needs?

Yes, we can help you with your academic research needs irrespective of where you are located physically in this world. As long as you have a valid credit/debit card or a PayPal account to pay off our invoice, you can place your order with us. Many of our clients (i.e. PhD students and other researchers) come to us from outside the UK, e.g. the USA, Canada, Australia, Ireland, Germany, France, Netherlands, China, Austria, Japan and some middle-east countries.

What if i am not satisfied with the work that was done?
Client satisfaction is of the utmost importance to us. You can share your feedback with us via email or using our contact form, and we will address the raised issues or concerns in the best possible way soon after.
What are your business hours?
We work from 9 AM till 7 PM GMT from Monday to Saturday.
Can you help me prepare my research article for publication?
All of our academic writers, editors and proofreaders (i.e. university lecturers, senior lecturers and professors) have already had many research papers published in a wide variety of journals, and hence they are best equipped to help you get your research article or paper published in your target journal. Our team makes sure that each guideline of the target journal is followed meticulously when your research article is being worked on, thereby reducing the possibility of rejection to a great degree.
What referencing style guides do you work with?
More often than not, we find ourselves applying the following referencing style guides to the documents we work on:
I submitting to a specific adacemic journal. Can you apply this journal's style guidelines to my article?
If you are trying to get an article published and the respective journal has instructed you to apply a specific referencing style guide, please share the details of the same with us and we will apply it to your document without any issue. In your instructions, simply name the target journal you wish to submit the article to and provide a link to the specific style guidelines.
I need to hand this in soon. How can i get a fast turnaround?

Because we work with university lecturers, senior lecturers and professors whose availability is scarce, our work capacity is limited. Therefore, we only accept a limited number of clients at any given point in time in order to produce top-quality drafts (meeting all of the clients’ specifications/instructions meticulously) and deliver the same on or before the mutually-agreed deadlines.

So, if you are a PhD student or any other researcher who is in hurry and needs any piece of research work to be done faster while we are operating at full capacity, we might not be a suitable choice for you. Just to earn some extra money, we cannot compromise on either quality of work or deadline for any of our existing clients. We can accommodate any new piece of work into our schedule only after we have completed the existing volume of work.


When you place an order with us, you get exclusive access to our elite academic research team that is made up of only

from reputed British, Australian and North American universities.






Our Premium, Professional and Proficient Academic Team will help you write more, worry less and graduate in a timely manner.

Email: info@ukdissertationwriters.com


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