quantitative and qualitative data

The Ultimate Guide To Analysing Quantitative And Qualitative Data

Are you a PhD or Master-level researcher who has already collected data (either quantitative or qualitative or both) and is likely to analyse it with a view...
research onion and methodology

Saunders Research Onion – A Step-By-Step Guide To Structuring Research Methodology Chapter For PhD And Master-Level Researchers

Are you someone who is presently working on PhD Thesis or Master-level Dissertation? Do you find yourself stuck when writing up ‘Methodology’ chapter? Does it...
conducting literature review

The Ultimate Guide To Conducting Literature Review

Whether you are writing a Master-level dissertation or a PhD Thesis or a long academic report, you will be required to review the existing published...
phd productivity

5 Ways You Can Use Evernote To Boost Your PhD Productivity

When you are pursuing your PhD, you are often flooded with large chunks of information that result from the meetings you hold with your PhD supervisor and...
Data Analysis Plan

How To Develop A Data Analysis Plan For A Quantitative PhD Thesis Or Dissertation

A data analysis plan is a skeletal framework for the methodology chapter of your PhD thesis or dissertation that showcases how you are going to...


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